What is the register?
The New Zealand Register of Weight Management Coaches is a portal connecting professionally trained, qualified and registered Weight Management Coaches (WMC) with members of the public who want a personalised, effective and long-term focused weight management solution.
Who is registered?
For initial registrations coaches complete the Diploma in Weight Management Qualification and agree to abide by the NZRWMC Code of Ethics. Thereafter, coaches maintain practise currency by completing additional professional development and abiding by professioanl practise guidance. Coaches are re-registered every two years through moderation of case work and academic currency checks. There is a complaints process and de-registration pathway should any coaches not meet the Code of Ethics and/or professional conduct requirements. Coaches may also appear as 'Previously Registered' on the register where they are no longer active in their region.
How does the register work?
Upon registration, a searchable profile is created for coaches which enables members of the public to find and contact a coach of their choice. Most coaches offer an obligation-free consultation where the process and content of coaching is discussed in greater detail. Weight Management Coaches in New Zealand can be found here.
Why is Weight Management Coaching different?
Weight Management Coaching relies on proven behavioural techniques to modify habits in order to gradually and permanently reduce body weight and improve health. In direct contrast to fad diets, Weight Management Coaches practice from a person-centred, behavioural framework. This framework is fundamentally different to the traditional approaches as it focuses on:
- Current habits that drive your current weight
- The triggers for those habits
- Identifying viable and acceptable alternative habits with the same reward
- Minimising exposure to the settings which trigger problematic habits
- Identifying effective social support to aid the establishment of new habits
- Identifying effective coping mechanisms for high risk situations
- Acknowledging that every person has their own expertise and authority regarding how they live and how they might change
- Working collaboratively and encouraging active participation and agency in the process of change