Weight Loss versus Weight Management

Long term weight management beats short term weight loss everytime. Here’s why.

When traditional approaches don't work - what does?

Why helping people to manage their weight requires a different approach in practice.

Obesity and the legacy of a simplistic model

Calories in and calories out - What's so hard about that, right?

Obesity and the personal responsibility narrative – who benefits?

The narrative used to protect Big Tobacco and Big Alcohol has been dusted off to protect Big Food.

Weight loss diets: Fundamental flaws make weight re-gain inevitable

Our biology promotes weight gain and resists weight loss - a reality that is overlooked by conventional weight-loss diets.

Covid-19, obesity, mental health, and the myth of self-control

One things clear - we can't ignore the link between obesity and stress anymore.

Obesity stigma and the fallacy of ‘tough love’

It turns out that the 'tough love' approach has absolutely nothing going for it...gee what a surprise!

What do Weight Management Coaches do?

Rather than focusing on food, Weight Management Coaches guide and support clients through the process of behaviour change.